We received this product free for review purposes but all opinions are 100% honest.
Sophia LOVES music, and when I mean Love what I really mean is bawls her eyes out if I shut off her Pandora station! She loves everything from Pearl Jam, country to Daddy's Rap. She gets her fair share of Raffi too! I always worry that she is going to whack herself in the head with the ipad or drop it. It’s hard for her tiny little hands to coordinate it, that was until we received the Speck iGuy Case and Stand for iPad from Mobile Fun! This is one of the best iPad cases for kids.

The case allows the iPad to stand up right to allow her to watch Peg + Cat, hold it easily to listen to her songs, because you all know she has to hold it!!! And I can’t lie; I’ve totally taken advantage of the stand in the kitchen!!! It allows me to effortlessly follow directions to all my recipes online!! The Speck iGuy Case and Stand for iPad not only makes it fun and easy for kids to enjoy their iPad but it also saves mom and dad from having to dish out the $$$ for a new one when an unprotected iPad crashes to the ground. Sophia has dropped this ipad countless times and I swear it has been saved by the Speck iGuy!! Not to mention the rad orange mango color it comes in!

Head on over to Mobile Fun HERE and check out what they have, I’m sure you will find something to fill all your electronic accessory needs! They are all priced fantastic and ship out fast. It also makes the perfect gift…Fathers day is coming up; I know Ralph will be spoiled with something from Mobile Fun. Because who doesn't want the latest accessories from a company who is committed to excellence!!!